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Flor de Copan Linea Puros Robusto

Shipping Unit


Content: 1 Piece

Delivery time: 2-3 days, 16 in stock


Worth knowing

Shortly after its market launch, the testers of "Cigar Journal" were blown away by this great cigar - and fortunately it still holds its quality today! It comforts lovers of thicker pirated rolls for about 50 - 60 minutes over the fact that the "Linea Puros" has no Toro.


The glossy "Colorado" wrapper is not only the colour of hazelnuts or coffee beans - the corresponding tones can also be detected in the taste picture. Toasty and discreetly earthy, restrainedly caramel-sweet and stimulatingly woody-spicy, the Robusto is the epitome of balance. Its strength also marks exactly the middle. The careful maturation of the leaf is always apparent in the completely natural, yet very nuanced flavours. Less the development than the impressive consistency and harmony of the cigar is its big plus point. Chapeau!

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Cigar Brand:Flor de Copan
Cigar series:Flor de Copan Linea Puros
Country of Origin Cover:Honduras
Country of origin Wrapper:Honduras
Country of origin filler tobacco:Honduras
Flavour:Caramel, Coffee, Earth, Roasted flavours
Lenght in cm:12.70
Ring gauge:52
Strength:medium - strong

Flor de Copan

Die hohe Qualität von Tabaken aus dem mittelamerikanischen Raum, insbesondere Honduras, wussten die Mayas bereits vor Jahrhunderten zu schätzen. Bis heute steht das Land zwischen Atlantik und Pazifik für eines der besten Anbaugebiete für Qualitätstabake weltweit. Die Region um Copán, tief im Westen von Honduras an den Grenzen zu Guatemala und El Salvador gelegen, verdankt seinem gemäßigten Tropenklima optimale Voraussetzungen um den einzigartig milden Geschmack der Flor de Copán Zigarrenlinien hervorzubringen. Sämtliche Zigarren, die Tabaksorten verschiedenster Herkunft in sich vereinen, stammen aus der Provinzhauptstadt Santa Rosa de Copán, wo sie in einer Fabrik die noch der Kolonialzeit entstammt vollständig von Hand gefertigt werden. Die Flor de Copán Longfillerzigarren entsprechen den höchsten Ansprüchen an die Zigarrenherstellung; jede einzelne dieser hochwertig verarbeiteten Zigarren wird von einem haarfeinen Mantel aus Zedernholz umschlossen. Dieser rundet das Aroma der Flor de Copán Zigarren während der Reifelagerung weiter ab. Verziert mit einer kunstvollen weiß-rot-goldenen Bauchbinde präsentiert sich die Flor de Copán, übersetzt 'die Blüte von Copán', in verführerischer Eleganz. Trotz der sehr Verarbeitungsqualität und der Auswahl von ausschließlich hochwertigen Qualitätstabaken sind die vollständig handgefertigten Zigarren zu einem sehr guten Preis-/ Leistungsverhältnis erhältlich.

Accessory Items

Practical Angelo Punch in chrome 9mm
Angelo Drill Chrome 9 mm

Delivery time: 2-3 days, 1 Piece in stock

Worth knowing

If you want something other than a classic straight cut, a cigar drill is the right choice.

Product information

The Angelo drill in chrome enables a narrow and precise cut to experience the taste of a cigar even more intensively. The diameter is 9 mm and is therefore very suitable for both larger and smaller ring gauges.
Perfec Draw Cigar Drill for All Cases
Perfec Draw cigar drill

Delivery time: 1-3 days, 4 in stock

If you've ever tried to roll a cigar yourself at an event, you'll really appreciate the skill of the rollers - but unfortunately there's always the odd ‘Monday copy’. With this ingenious tool, you no longer have to be annoyed by cigars that are rolled too tightly - simply place the drill bit at the cut end of the head, turn it as straight as possible into the cigar until the end of the spiral and drill a little more if necessary. In this way, unwanted leaf pieces are not pushed to the side, but remain in the drill and can be pulled out. The product is inspired by a dentist's tool and makes every cigar draw!

Angelo Cigar Bench Chrome perfect for your cigars on the go

You didn't know you needed a cigar bench until you got one. Whether at home, on the road or with friends, the Angelo cigar bench comes into play. With its elegant appearance in chrome, it visually matches any accessory. If you don't have an ashtray at hand, you can fold up your cigar bench and put your cigar down safely.