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Buy Sampler and Freshpacks

Sampler & Freshpacks are not only suitable for beginners and experienced cigar smokers who want to discover new brands for themselves, but they are also the ideal gift. Sampler & Freshpacks are available in a variety of combinations and so no wish remains unfulfilled. In addition, they usually follow a certain theme, mostly they contain the same cigar format, cigars of the same brand or cigars with specific wrappers. The variety here are no limits and so the aficionado can fully concentrate on the taste.

-3 %
Dalay DomRep Robusto 4er Sampler two blonde and two dark Dominican beauties each
mild - medium
Dalay DomRep Robusto Sampler
€17.46* €18.00*
Content: 4 Piece (€4.37* / 1 Piece)

Delivery time: 2-3 days, 11 in stock

What you need to know

This handy 2x2 mini sampler is ideal for anyone who wants to try the Dominican blend of the unbeatable Dalay house brand in the most popular format of both variants without having to buy a box. Light is round, dark is boxpressed.


- Light: Fragrant and engaging like a summer morning! The light blend pampers with "breakfast flavours" - buttered toast, honey, café au lait, a little fruit - but also with fine vegetal notes of hay and cedar wood. Balanced and creamy.

- Dark: Slightly stronger, also more savoury in taste. Creamy like chocolate mousse, with liquorice, mocha and sultanas, but nutmeg and bread crust also stimulate the palate as a spicy counterbalance. A lot of flavour for very little money! The excellent production quality is also worth mentioning - by no means a matter of course in this price sector!

Kristoff Sampler Natural Robusto frontal
Kristoff Sampler Natural
€34.92* €36.00*
Variants from €29.10*
Content: 4 Piece (€8.73* / 1 Piece)

Delivery time: 2-3 days, 7 in stock

Worth knowing

Kristoff's samplers of 4 Robustos always offer a great insight into the respective sector of the portfolio - this one is no exception! It includes series with more or less light-colored wrappers that are more on the light side. They are predominantly stately Robustos Largos with about 70 - 80 minutes of smoking time. Available from us only in this practical fresh bag!


- Connecticut: The "breakfast" Robusto of the brand! Moderate strength, subtle spiciness, but all the more lush mild roasted aromas (toast, buns), honey sweetness, plenty of latte, but also elegant herbal notes.

- Kristania: The smallest of the 4 (5"/50), but also the most powerful! Fully ripe, spicy-sweet Sungrown aromatics with fruit notes, some sweetness, prominent wood notes, a pinch of pepper. Straight and winning.

- Original Criollo: A spicy-savory cigar, but definitely also with charming sweet and sour eastern aromas, "oriental" chai notes, and a rich, refined wood bouquet. Medium-bodied.

- Shade Grown: The gentle flatterer. Even lighter than the "Conni", also sweeter and creamier, with little spice. Cappuccino, vanilla, cream and almonds can be tasted. Super for beginners!

Casa del Puro Casarillo Sampler
mild - medium
Casa del Puro Casarillo Sampler
Content: 30 Piece (€1.10* / 1 Piece)

Delivery time: 2-3 days, 6 Pieces in stock

Worth knowing

10 of each of our 3 cigarillo house blends in the smallest format provide you with the ideal overview of the exclusive Casa del Puro short filler range. In its attractive light red cedar wood box, the sampler also makes a wonderful gift! Smoking time approx. 10 minutes each.


Brazil: Malty, chocolaty sweetness with fruity and leathery notes and subtle spice. Medium strength.

Havana filler: Typically Cuban, cedary, mouth-filling and creamy, with leathery overtones and a fine honey sweetness. Medium-bodied.

Sumatra: Mild, soft and sloppy, sweet and floral, with slightly mineral and delicately spicy notes. Light - medium.

-3 %
Perdomo Fresco Robusto Selecion 6er
mild - medium
Perdomo Fresco Robusto Selecion 6er
€34.92* €36.00*
Content: 6 Piece (€5.82* / 1 Piece)

Delivery time: 2-3 days, 5 Pieces in stock


In peppigem Design und auf einem sehr erfreulichen Preisniveau kommt diese Bundle-Reihe des Traditionsbetriebes Perdomo daher. Alle 3 Varianten können Sie hier mit je 2 Stück des beliebten Robusto-Formats mit je ca. 50 – 65 Minuten Rauchzeit kennenlernen.


Alle 3 Varianten enthalten laut Hersteller den gleichen Blend aus dem bekanntesten nicaraguanischen Anbaugebiet Estelí, mit einem nussig-gehaltvollen Umblatt aus der Region Jalapa. Ob die Mischungen exakt identisch sind, bleibe dahingestellt, weisem die Geschmacksunterschiede der Versionen – wie bei so vielen Serien - doch allemal über die unterschiedlichen Deckblätter hinaus:

Die Connecticut ist leicht-mittel, nussig, fruchtig und leicht grasig, mit schönen Kaffee-Röstaromen und feinen Gewürznoten.

Die Maduro-Variante ist gut mittelstark, mit erdig-schokoladiger Herznote, schwererer Süße (Blüten, Dörrobst) und dunkleren Holzaromen.

Die Sun Grown schließlich nimmt gleichsam die Vermittlerposition zwischen ihren Schwestern ein, mit opulenten Holznoten, dezenter Fruchtnote und vielfältiger Würze.

-3 %
Flor de Copan Sampler
Flor de Copan Sampler
€25.03* €25.80*
Content: 3 Piece (€8.34* / 1 Piece)

Delivery time: 2-3 days, 4 in stock

What you need to know

This product may have a simple name, but it's just as attractive. Three of the most popular formats from the classic FdC series rest in a beautifully designed, lacquered box, on which the brand logo is invitingly emblazoned. A great gift!


With its rather light character, the FdC blend is one of the biggest favourites for beginners. But even ‘old hands’ love the harmonious blend of undisguised cedar wood flavour, enhanced by the cedar that envelops every cigar, melting notes of light-coloured nuts such as almonds and luscious fermentation sweetness, which is not slightly reminiscent of milk chocolate. A restrained spiciness gradually creeps in to varying degrees from format to format - most clearly in the Corona. Each Vítola has its own individual characteristics - it's best to try this one!

-3 %
La Galera Sampler Freshpack Chaveta Robusto 5er
La Galera Sampler Freshpack Chaveta Robusto 5er
€45.11* €46.50*
Content: 5 Piece (€9.02* / 1 Piece)

Delivery time: 2-3 days, 4 Pieces in stock

Worth knowing

The brand of the Dominican cigar luminary Jochy Blanco is – and not only! – particularly close to our hearts, as it offers excellent quality and blends with a distinctive character of their own at absolutely affordable prices. This Robusto fresh pack is a formidable showcase of work full of astonishing variety! Smoking time 45 – 55 minutes.


1936 box-pressed Chaveta: Intense “power plant” – roasted nuts, later espresso, rich spice (nutmeg), very subtle sweetness, yet beautifully creamy. Quite strong.

Anemoi Eurus: Lots of dark wood, distinctively mineral (“salty”), with original smoke and herbal spice facets. Liquorice in the background. Very unique! Contrary to the manufacturer's classification of "medium", it is quite strong.

Connecticut Chaveta: Mildly roasted and sweet, with chocolate, vanilla, but also toast and a fine, subtle herbal spice. Grassy-floral facets on the palate. Light-medium.

Corojo ("H") Chaveta: Distinctly nutty, creamy, also leathery. Subtle caramel sweetness, alongside an exciting spice potpourri with cinnamon, nutmeg and allspice. Medium.

Maduro Chaveta: At the same time chocolatey sweet and peppery-spicy, with fruity overtones; earthier and roastier as it smokes. Rich and perfectly balanced. Medium-strong.

-3 %
Perdomo Travel Humidor Maduro with slightly chocolaty notes
Perdomo Travel Humidor Maduro
€48.50* €50.00*
Content: 4 Piece (€12.13* / 1 Piece)

Delivery time: 2-3 days, 4 in stock


Dunkel wie Herrenschokolade kommen die 4 eleganten Toros im Reise-Freshpack daher – und auch ihre Geschmackswelt geht vielfach in Richtung Kakao/Kaffee/Erde. Die mittleren bis eher kräftigen Laubrollen sind von erlesener Qualität und brennen je ca. 75 – 90 Minuten.


• 20th Anniversary Epicure: Maduro-typische Kaffee- und Schoko-Aromen von hoher Intensität. Cremig, Gewürznoten, zunehmend erdig.

• Lot 23 Toro: „Creme-Bombe“ mit viel Umami-Geschmack – geröstete Nüsse, Brotkruste, Zartbitter-Schoko; auch Leder.

• Nicaragua Bourbon Barrel Aged Epicure: pikante Würze, Torfnoten, Holz und Leder; daneben Kakao und starker Kaffee. Vielschichtig und vollmundig.

• Reserve 10th Anniversary Epicure: markant röstig, aber auch wunderbar süß (Schoko, Karamell), mit frischen wie erdigen Noten – komplex.

-3 %
AJ Fernandez Premium Robusto Freshpack at super PLV
medium - strong
AJ Fernandez Premium Robusto Freshpack
€36.38* €37.50*
Content: 5 Piece (€7.28* / 1 Piece)

Delivery time: 2-3 days, 3 Pieces in stock

Worth knowing

We certainly don't need to tell you any more novels about AJF's status as one of the leading Nicaraguan cigar brands. Generally known for more powerful material with expressive aromas, this representative sampler demonstrates the equally remarkable breadth of its range of blends. Smoking time between approx. 40 and approx. 60 minutes.


- Enclave Robusto: coffee and roasted nut aromas, typically Nicaraguan; overtones of leather and cedar, plus oriental spices. Medium - strong.

- Last Call Geniales (Short Robusto): Classic, undisguised tobacco flavor, leathery and emphatically woody. Subtle honey sweetness, a hint of walnut. Medium.

- New World Cameroon Doble Robusto: A racy interplay of fruity sweetness and expressive spice, exotic and increasingly intense. Rather strong.

- New World Puro Especial Robusto: Herbal sweetness (liquorice), with oak aromas and pleasant pepper. Later cinnamon and ginger. Also rather strong.

- San Lotano Requiem Connecticut Robusto: almonds, café au lait, caramel sweetness; fruity, grassy notes, very charming. Light - medium.

Perdomo Travel Humidor Sun Grown with piquant spice
mild - medium
Perdomo Travel Humidor Sun Grown
€48.50* €50.00*
Variants from €42.68*
Content: 4 Piece (€12.13* / 1 Piece)

Delivery time: 2-3 days, 3 in stock


Besetzen die Sungrown- oder Natural-Versionen bei vielen Marken die Mitte zwischen Connecticut und Maduro, stehen sie von der Stärke und Intensität her bei Perdomo mehr auf der letzteren Seite. 4 gehaltvolle, facettenreiche Toros für je ca. 75 – 90 Genussminuten.


• 20th Anniversary Epicure: relativ sanft, wunderbare Honig- und Obstsüße, milde Gewürztöne, feiner Zedernholzduft.

• Lot 23 Toro: prägnante Holztöne, Kaffee-Röstaromen, feine Süße, helle Nüsse und ein Hauch Kakao.

• Nicaragua Bourbon Barrel Aged Epicure: prägnante Würze (Zimt, Pfeffer, Kräuter), gleichzeitig buttrig-weich, Vanillesüße, reiches Holzbouquet.

• Reserve 10th Anniversary Epicure: expressive „Gewürzbombe“, aber auch Umami, mit viel Nuss und Milchkaffee; delikate herbe Süße.

-3 %
Joya de Nicaragua Seleccion Antano four Nicaraguan pearls
medium - strong
Joya de Nicaragua Seleccion Antano
€54.32* €56.00*
Content: 4 Piece (€13.58* / 1 Piece)

Delivery time: 2-3 days, 2 Pieces in stock

Worth knowing

One of THE Nicaraguan traditional brands offers a highly compelling showcase of work with 1 Toro from each of 4 different series, packaged in a beautiful wooden box. Each cigar burns about 75 - 90 minutes, and each has a very unique flavor profile.


- Antanó CT: Coffee roast aromas combined with fruity sweetness, increasingly earthy as the smoke progresses, but also with caramel and fine spices. Medium.

- Antanó 1970: Peppery spice meets intense dried fruit sweetness, leathery notes harmonize with nut and wood flavors and cocoa. Rather strong.

- Antanó Gran Reserva: Intense aromatics with pithy nuttiness; dark chocolate, oak and espresso come in. Strong tobacco.

- Antanó Dark Corojo: A firework of dark aromas like bitter chocolate, mocha, nutmeg and wood, subtly sweet, with fine fruit acidity. A real "Chuck Norris cigar"!

-3 %
Perdomo Travel Humidor Connecticut for lighter enjoyment
mild - medium
Perdomo Travel Humidor Connecticut
€48.50* €50.00*
Content: 4 Piece (€12.13* / 1 Piece)

Delivery time: 2-3 days, 2 Pieces in stock

Worth knowing

Nice idea from Perdomo, these small Freshpacks with 4 Toros from different series, but with the same wrapper colour! The relatively mild Connecticut versions are best suited for summer holidays. Smoking time approx. 75 - 90 minutes each.


- 20th Anniversary Epicure: creamy & mildly toasty like buttered toast, varied woody notes, treacle sweetness and almond flavour.

- Lot 23 Toro: multilayered, delicately spicy, with leather, woody astringency, cereal roast flavours, umami like brown butter.

- Nicaragua Bourbon Barrel Aged Epicure: opulent dried fruit and cocoa sweetness, exotic spices next to brand-typical nut and cedar flavours.

- Reserve 10th Anniversary Epicure: many nutty roasted aromas, tropical woods, subtly sweet. A little stronger and spicier than the others.

-3 %
NUB Variety Tube Sampler with 4 different series
mild - medium
NUB Variety Tube Sampler
€52.38* €54.00*
Content: 4 Piece (€13.10* / 1 Piece)

Delivery time: 2-3 days, 1 Piece in stock

Worth knowing

Behind the funny name is a great product, not only as a gift idea! The innocent white box contains all 4 NUB variants with approx. 45 – 60 minutes smoke time each in aesthetically very appealing aluminium tubes. Great for testing, practical to transport.


• Cameroon: Cameroon-typical marzipan in perfect dosage, mixed with vegetal scents (grass, cedar), coffee beans and nut flavours. Medium.

• Connecticut: buttered toast with honey, milky coffee and fine fruitü&apricot;e. Moderate tickle of spice, extra-creamy. Light-medium.

• Sun Grown: „spice bomb“ (nutmeg, pepper, clove) meets caramellsü&airl;e and mocha, dark woods, leather and cream. Fireworks! Medium-bodied.

AJ Fernandez Maduro Robusto 5er Freshpack find your personal favorite
AJ Fernandez Maduro Robusto Freshpack
€37.83* €39.00*
Variants from €33.95*
Content: 5 Piece (€7.57* / 1 Piece)

Currently not available

Currently not available

Worth knowing

AJ.s Freshpack samplers are always a bank at a fair price - so is this assortment, which combines 5 Robustos with dark wrappers and slightly different dimensions in a practical freshpack. Smoking time approx. 45 - 65 minutes each. You save about 20% compared to the single purchase!


- Enclave Broadleaf: Intense roasted and smoked aromas, dark woods, cocoa, many spices; licorice sweetness. Strong, with full body.

- Last Call Maduro: Espresso, dark chocolate, peaty-malty, while nicely creamy. Increasingly sweet-spicy spice. Medium-bodied.

- New World: Roasted nuts, cedar, pepper and other spices, earth; traces of dried fruit sweetness. Medium-bodied.

- New World Puro Especial: More complex version of the "NW" - cinnamon, coffee, mild pepper, rich wood bouquet, dark sweetness. Medium-bodied.

- San Lotano Requiem Maduro: Massive, hearty evening cigar. Oak, mocha, cocoa, sweetness of raisins; pepper and nutmeg. Strong.

-3 %
AJ Fernandez San Lotano Robusto Freshpack Rarities at a bargain price
mild - medium
AJ Fernandez San Lotano Robusto Freshpack

Currently not available

Worth knowing

Hard to find in Germany outside of this sampler in a fresh bag, these 4 large Robustos (5 ½"/ RM 54) with a smoke time of about 60 - 70 minutes each offer a great insight into the "San Lotano" series named after the company founder.


- San Lotano Bull: boxpressed, multinational blend. Heavy wood and coffee/roast notes, sophisticated spice, subtle creamy sweetness. Strong.

- San Lotano Requiem Connecticut: shadegrown wrapper. Fragrant-grassy, nutty, caramel-sweet, subtly fruity. Light-medium.

- San Lotano Requiem: Brazilian wrapper. Mild herbal spice, subtle tart nuts, earthy-roasty, subtle savory spice. Medium.

- San Lotano Requiem Maduro: San Andrés wrapper. Intensely spicy, woody and toasty, with chocolate and dried fruit sweetness. Strong.

-3 %
The Alec Bradley Robusto Freshpack tasting pack
medium - strong
Alec Bradley Robusto Freshpack

Currently not available

What you need to know

After the great success of the 20-strong edition, AB has once again put together an attractive Robusto sampler for 2021. The series impressively demonstrates the diversity of the brand. The smart packaging ensures perfect humidity, and the price is a knockout!


The Black Market is a fairly strong, spicy cigar with a "dark" taste. Oak wood, a hint of dried fruit sweetness, a light cocoa aroma and a fine liquorice flavor come together harmoniously. The Coyol with RM 52, on the other hand, is one of the lighter AB cigars. The wonderfully creamy blend impresses with mild roasted aromas, a hint of fruit and cedar notes as the base note. The medium-bodied Lineage range is particularly well-balanced. It also has fruity tones, but also beautiful coffee aromas, earthy notes and a delicious honey sweetness. The Magic Toast, on the other hand, is more on the intense side. Here, the focus is on a rich roasted flavor and strong cocoa notes. However, they also have a nutty side - very appealing.

-3 %
Arnold Andre Coleccion Dominicana Toro with 4 different cigars to taste
mild - medium
Arnold Andre Coleccion Dominicana Toro

Currently not available

Worth knowing

Brand samplers with cigars from different series are simply the best way to get an overview of the portfolio! If you love Dominican Toros with a smoking time of around 75 - 90 minutes, this four-pack from the house of André is perfect for you.


- Buena Vista Araperique: pleasing variety of coffee and cocoa alongside light fruit sweetness, cedar scent, subtle acidity and tea notes. Medium-bodied.

- Carlos André Cast Off: intense spice tones, soft nut flavour, leather on the palate, exotic fruits - fireworks! Medium strength.

- Montosa Claro: classic wood aromas, astringency of tea and leather; fine citrus acidity, subtle honey/raisin sweetness. Rather light.

- Parcero Dominicano: nutty-creamy, moderately spicy, slight natural sweetness; increasingly roasted notes, also a little chocolate. Medium.

-3 %
Arturo Fuente Opus X Oscuro Oro Sampler
Arturo Fuente Opus X Oscuro Oro Sampler
€429.22* €442.50*
Content: 15 Piece (€28.61* / 1 Piece)

Currently not available

Currently not available

Wenn die Rede von einer „heißen“ Tabacalera in der Dominikanischen Republik ist, dann wird wahrscheinlich die Tabacalera Arturo Fuente gemeint sein. Seit dem Tod des Firmenpatriarchen Carlos Fuente Sr. im Jahre 2016, wird sie von dessen Sohn „Carlito“ Fuente gleitet. Carlos Fuente Jr. leitete bereits über Jahrzehente die Geschicke der Manufaktur gemeinsam mit seinem Vater. Die legendären Opus X Zigarren von Arturo Fuente zählen weltweit zu den begehrtesten Raritäten und finden ihren Weg selten nach Europa. Die gesamte Opus X Serie wird aus 100% dominikanischen Tabaken von der eigenen Plantage „Chateau de la Fuerte“ hergestellt. Die Opus X war die erste Puro aus der Dominikanischen Republik. Im Jahre 2006 wurde sie zur besten Zigarre des Jahres gekürt und sorgte direkt weltweit für Aufsehen. Carlos Fuente Jr. erinnert sich: „Auf dem Markt rief sie ohne jede Übertreibung den Effekt einer nuklearen Explosion hervor. Wir haben praktisch einen Trend gesetzt, komplizierte, würzige, aromatische full – Body – Zigarren herzustellen“. Alle Zigarren der Marke Arturo Fuente bestechen durch erstklassige Rollung, perfekten Zugwiderstand, makellosen Abbrand und einen herrlichen Ascheverlauf. Die für ihre kräftig – ölige Geschmackstextur und das intensive Aromenspiel bekannten Zigarren, sind wie geschaffen für wirkliche Connaisseurs. „Opus“ ist das lateinische Wort für „Obra“ also spanisch für „Kunstwerk“, und wurde ausgewählt, um die überlegene Qualität der Zigarren zu symbolisieren. Das „X“ kam von Projekt X, also dem Titel, unter dem begonnen wurde, aus kubanischen Samen und kubanischen Methoden auf dominikanischem Boden Tabak zu pflanzen. Der Arturo Fuente Opus X Oscuro Oro Sampler beinhaltet die folgenden Zigarren: - 3 x Arturo Fuente Opus X Reserva d Chateau - 3 x Arturo Fuente Opus X Perfecxion - 3 x Arturo Fuente Opus X Fuente Fuente - 3 x Arturo Fuente Opus X Robusto - 3 x Arturo Fuente Opus X Perfecxion No. 4

-3 %
Balmoral Anejo XO Rothschild Masivo Sampler


Der Anejo XO Rothschild Masivo Sampler der Marke Balmoral enthält erstmals alle vier Anejo XO Serien der Marke im Robusto Gordo – Format mit einer Länge von 12,50 cm und einem Durchmesser von 2,18 cm, was einem 55er Ringmaß entspricht.


Mit dem Sampler haben Aficionados die Möglichkeit sich durch alle Serien der Balmoral Anejo XO Line zu probieren. Vom Anzünden weg umschmeicheln Pfeffer -, Leder -, Erde -, Holz -, Karamell – und Kakaoaromen den Gaumen des Aficionados.

-3 %
The tasting pack from Caldwell Collection Freshpack
mild - medium
Caldwell Collection Freshpack

Currently not available

Worth knowing

In Tolkien's „Lord of the Rings“ there are only 2, but in chess there are 4 – in this practical fresh pack, on the other hand, you get 5 smart „Türme“ (Toros) at a fair price, which offer a great insight into the portfolio of this lovely Dominican boutique brand.


Each individual cigar delivers – typically for Caldwell – a very unique flavour profile that doesn't fit into the common pigeonholes. The „Eastern Standard“-series is represented in no less than 3 versions. The regular version with Ecuador wrapper and Dominican-Nicaraguan filler is of medium strength and glows with fresh grassy and citrusy notes next to charming sweetness and spicy aromas. The Sungrown variety replaces the Nicaraguan portion with a Mexican one. It is stronger and lives rather from ätheric, prägnant crumb notes and abundant cedar scent. The „Midnight Express“ on the other hand is in Dominican Maduro garb. It combines creaminess with mineral facets, coffee scent, cinnamon and pepper spice. Long Live The King is the line for fans of leather, wood and peat, along with slightly fruity notes; it is full-bodied, masculine and mixed with above-average strength. The complementary line „The King Is Dead“ comes – despite the macabre name – rather with a cappuccino-like creaminess around the corner and flatters with herbal cocoa notes.

-3 %
The Casa Turrent Origins Sampler is perfect for first impressions
mild - medium
Casa Turrent Origins Sampler

Currently not available

Worth knowing

With great success, the Mexican top producer launched in spring 2020 this great series with 4 variants differentiated by tobacco provenance on our market – all in the format of the thick „Robusto Extra“ with approx. 60 – 75 minutes smoking time. Here they are all united under the sliding lid of a nice little wooden sampler box!


• Caribe: Made from pure Criollo tobacco. Tropical woods, Röst notes, umami; piquant spices, also honey. Medium.

• Miami: Connecticut Shadegrown wrapper. Fruits, herbs, a little pepper; later, tannins. Light – medium.

• Nicaragua: filler from the same place. Wood, earth, chocolate; sweetness of roasted almonds; nutmeg / cinnamon. Medium – strong.

• San Andrés: Mexican Puro, Maduro; cocoa, coffee, cream; peat, multi-layered spiciness, light raisinü&contrast;e. Medium – strong.

-3 %
Casa Turrent Serie 1880 Double Robusto Assortment hier online kaufen

Worth knowing

The mighty 55s - actually Gran Toros - are among the most popular turrents, offering excellent tobacco quality for around 85 - 105 minutes for a tenner. Here come all 4 variants, each with its own distinct flavour profile, in a smart lockable wooden box with a clear lid - nice touch!


A common feature of all versions is the tobacco maturation period of 10 years, unique in this price range, which can be added to the cigars at any time.

- Claro: Cedar and almond, floral scent and delicate toasted aromas. Very creamy. In the course of smoking increasingly nutty, also leathery. Light - medium.

- Colorado: Beautiful interplay of racy spice and caramel/honey sweetness. Dark wood notes, fruity overtones, cornflakes flavour. Medium.

- Maduro: Emphasises spicy toasty, but also treacle sweetness, roasted walnuts, bread crust and fine astringency. Medium - strong.

- Oscuro: Woody, toasty and leathery, with predominantly noble tart notes, but also sweet and sour tones. Medium - strong.

-3 %
CIgarKings Nicaragua Sampler 2 from natural paper
mild - medium
CigarKings Nicaragua Sampler 2

Currently not available

This sampler from CigarKings contains four cigars with two Maduro wrappers and two Sungrown. The perfect insight into the world of CigarKings Nicaragua. These cigars are packed in a resealable ziplock made of natural paper with a Boveda pack inside. All CigarKings cigars are rolled in the traditional Entubado style.

-3 %
Didier Houvenaghel Nicarao Robusto Sampler
medium - strong
Didier Houvenaghel Nicarao Robusto Sampler

Currently not available

Wissenswertes zum Sampler

Bei dem Didier Houvenaghel Nicarao Robusto Sampler handelt es sich um eine erlesene Auswahl der feinsten Blends aus seinem Portfolio im Robusto – Format. Somit eignet er sich bestens, um sich durch die verschiedenen Serien der Marke Nicarao zu probieren und dem in diesem Sampler verpackten puren Genuss zu entdecken. Der Sampler ist mit den folgenden 5 Vitolas bestückt:

- Nicarao Classico Robusto

- Nicarao Especial Robusto

- La Preferida Robusto

- Nicarao Exclusivo Robusto

- La Ley Robusto


Die Zigarren sind von mitteler bis kräftiger Intensität und umschmeicheln den Gaumen des Aficionados mit einem breiten Aromenspektrum aus Holz -, Gewürzen -, Erde -, Kaffee -, Leder -, Schokoladen – und Röstaromen, die je nach Zigarrenserie von einer unterschwelligen cremigen Süße oder Würze begleitet werden.

-3 %
The delicious blend of Gurkha Aganorsa Freshpack
Gurkha Aganorsa Freshpack

Currently not available


Bei Gurkha ist die Zusammenstellung von Zigarrensamplern immer bestens durchdacht. Hier gewährt man mit je 2 Exemplaren größeren Formats aus 3 Serien Einblick in die Welt des nicaraguanischen Tabaks.


Die dickste Zigarre des Samplers ist die „Magnum“ der „Nicaragua Series“ mit dem üppigen RM 60. Das rein aus dem namengebenden firmeneigenem „Agnorsa“-Tabak (Criollo und Corojo) gerollte Großkaliber begeistert mit samtweicher Rauchkonsistenz. Nussige und schokoladige Noten harmonieren super mit bittersüßen und würzigen Noten; die Stärke ist überdurchschnittlich. Eher auf der leichteren Seite befindet sich die „Treinta“-Jubiläumsserie mit Rosado-Deckblatt. Geschmacklich sehr komplex, vereint sie fruchtig-süßliche-liebliche Aromen mit cremigen Röst-und Kaffee-Aromen sowie einer typisch nicaraguanischen Prise Pfeffer. Hauptverantwortlich für den günstigen Preis des Samplers ist die „San Miguel“ als stolze Vertreterin der Budget-Reihe der Marke. Gleichwohl verfügt auch sie über eine komplexe und raffinierte Aganorsa-Mischung eher leichten Charakters, mit vollmundigem, unverfälschtem Umami-Tabakgeschmack.