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Was ist eigentlich Whiskey? Die Wortherkunft Uisge Beatha stammt aus dem gälischen und bedeutet so viel wie Wasser des Lebens. Whiskey gilt in Irland und Schottland als „Gut des täglichen Bedarfs“ und ist fester Bestandteil der irischen und schottischen Speisekammern. Was dem Bayer das Bier, ist dem Schotten/Iren sein Dram. Whiskey ist eine Spirituose, die aus gemaischtem Getreide entsteht, das man zu Bier vergärt, anschließend destilliert und den dabei “anfallenden“ Brand ausbaut. Dieses simple Prinzip wurde nie stärker variiert als heute. Weltweit fragen sich Brenner: Warum soll Whiskey immer exakt so bereitet werden, wie es die Überlieferung will.
Viele Neubrenner behaupten sie seien wegen ihrer Begeisterung für Single Malt Scotch oder Bourbon in das Geschäft eingestiegen und fügen hinzu: „Ich wollte was spezielles machen.“ Um nicht zu imitieren was bereits existiert, experimentieren viele Brennereien mit verschiedenen Getreidesorten wie beispielsweise Hafer, Dinkel und Quinoa. Wer unbedingt bei Gerste bleiben möchte, kann wie die Bierbrauer mit verschiedenen Röstverfahren arbeiten oder statt Torf verschiedene Hölzer, Nesseln oder gar Schafdung verwenden. Alternativ mit anderen Getreide – oder Raucharten arbeiten – oder beides miteinander kombinieren.
Die Whiskeypioniere von heute stehen vor den gleichen Herausforderungen wie die japanischen Brenner in den 1920er und 1930er Jahren. Es ging damals nicht darum Whiskey zu machen, sondern Whiskey auf japanische Art zu machen. Die Lösung dafür findet man nicht in Handbüchern, sondern mit Herz und Hirn. Durch Infragestellen des Herkömmlichen lassen sich die Whiskeygrenzen immer wieder neu verschieben. Die Vorstellung der Kombination einer edlen Zigarre mit einem passenden Whiskey lässt so manches Genießerherz höherschlagen. Zigarren und Whiskey sind sich in Sachen Qualität sehr ähnlich, deshalb ist es nicht verwunderlich, dass leidenschaftliche Zigarrenraucher und Whiskeytrinker immer wieder nach interessanten Kombinationsmöglichkeiten suchen.
Delivery time: 1-3 days, 4 Bottles in stock
What you need to know
One of the most popular bottlings from the Bowmore distillery is the Bowmore 15 year old. The distillery was founded in 1779 on the famous island of Islay in Scotland. Locals say that the distillery began around 10 years earlier. This single malt is first matured in bourbon casks and then receives a fine stay in 3-year-old Spanish Oloroso sherry casks for the finish, which is quite remarkable and gives the single malt even more aromas.
With a slightly higher alcohol content of 43%, the color tinted with dye and a chill filtering, the Bowmore 15 conquers the hearts of all connoisseurs. An extraordinary mix of sherry, bourbon and peat, which only makes you want more. Nuances of raisins, fine smoke and cedar wood can be found when enjoying this single malt.
Delivery time: 1-3 days, 3 Bottles in stock
Der Ardbeg An Oa ist der erste Neuzugang in der Core Range von Ardbeg seit über einem Jahrzehnt. Benannt wurde er nach dem Kap der Halbinsel Oa, dem Mull of Oa. Er wird ebenso wie der 10jährige Ardbeg non – chill – filtered (nicht kaltgefiltert) abgefüllt, wodurch er deutlich mehr Geschmacksstoffe enthält als kaltgefilterte Whiskeys.
Im Glas liegt der Ardbeg An Oa farblich in einem dunklem Strohgold und begegnet in der Nase gefällig mit feinen und runden Pfirsich -, Datteln -, Anis - und Rauchnoten gepaart mit darunterliegenden Teer – und Zitrusaromen sowie an erkaltendes Feuer erinnernden Noten. Am Gaumen betört der samtig – seidige Islay Whiskey mit Milchschokoladen -, Anis -, Muskatnuss -, Ingwer -, Vanille - und Zimtaromen, die von einer den Mundraum völlig einnehmenden und an Sirup erinnernden Süße sowie malzigen Noten begleitet werden. Der langanhaltende Abgang ist von hauchfeinen rauchigen und würzigen Noten geprägt.
Delivery time: 1-3 days, 3 Bottles in stock
Der 10jährige Ardbeg ist der erste non – chill – filtered Whiskey des Hauses, d.h. er wurde nicht kaltgefiltert und enthält deshalb mehr Geschmacksstoffe. Seine wahre Stärke liegt darin, dass er den Malznoten nachgibt und nicht den Torfrauch heraushebt, sowie die subtile natürliche Süße die vollkommene Balance des Whiskeys betont.
In der Nase breiten sich zunächst tiefe Rauch – und eine frische salzige Meeresbrise gepaart mit einem Hauch Gewürzen und einem Anflug jodartiger Trockenheit aus. Er umschmeichelt den Gaumen mit einem komplexen und vielfältigen Mix aus anfänglicher Toffee – und Schokoladensüße gepaart mit Zitrus – und blumigen Aromen, die dem Single Malt eine delikate Erscheinung verleihen. Wenn sich der Whiskey weiter öffnet werden die schweren Torfnoten mit Anklängen von Tabak -, Rauch – und Espressoaromen verfeinert. Der langsam und warm abklingende Abgang ist typisch für Whiskeys von Ardbeg stark und gewaltig.
Delivery time: 2-3 days, 3 Bottles in stock
What you need to know
The Scottish distillery Bunnahabhain has always been the most atypical and truly exceptional of the few distilleries on Islay. While the other distilleries on the island are known for their powerful and heavily peated whiskeys, Bunnahabhain lets the island's nature do the talking. In order to preserve the natural character of the 12-year-old Bunnahabhain, which is predominantly determined by the fresh sea air, this whiskey does not have any colorants added and is not chill-filtered. The filtration process not only removes suspended matter from the whiskey, but also small amounts of fatty acids. As fats are known to be an excellent flavor carrier, various aromatic substances are also lost as a result.
A complex aroma of dried seaweed and soft caramel develops on the nose, gently underlined by toasted bread and a little smoke. There are also hints of hay and dried herbs. The Bunnahabhain presents its light body on the palate, which is dominated by the finest vanilla aromas and spicy malt notes. The sweetness is later combined in the most pleasant way with sea salt and delicate fruit, which impart depth and richness alongside a beautiful freshness. The long finish is decidedly dry and characterized by a beautiful spiciness. Here too, the influence of the sea is always noticeable in the form of salty hints, but by no means too intrusive.
Delivery time: 2-3 days, 3 Bottles in stock
What you need to know
The dichotomy between light and heavy can be felt along the whole of Speyside and is most evident at the foot of Ben Rinnes. The Glenfarclas distillery is located on the lower slopes of the mountain. From the very first sip, the heavy-sweet, brooding raw spirit reveals itself to be a member of the heavyweight faction. The whiskey has been pushed in various directions by different market requirements, but the Glenfarclas brand has remained true to its origins. A glance at the stills - the largest on Speyside - gives the impression that the distillery favours the light style.
The Glenfarclas 10 year old is characterised by its complexity and full-bodied flavour. After maturing for ten years in former sherry casks, Glenfarclas has a wonderful aroma of sherry and malt, surrounded by a hint of peat smoke. The palate is caressed by a pleasant sweetness that wonderfully underlines the balanced malt, sultana, citrus and malt flavours. The intense and long-lasting finish is characterised by gentle, spicy flavours.
Delivery time: 2-3 days, 3 Bottles in stock
Nicht in jeder Flasche, die ein Hirschkopf ziert, ist Kräuterlikör drin! Whiskyfreunde kennen diesen klassischen Single Malt natürlich – aus guten Gründen ein ewiger Bestseller und der perfekte Einstieg in die Welt der Single Malts!
Schon das Geruchsbild des Zwölfjährigen spiegelt seinen leichten, verspielten und gefälligen Charakter – die Süße von vollreifem Obst dominiert, die Würze bleibt dezent; ganz typisch für die Marke ist die angenehme frische Grasigkeit. Am Gaumen weicht die ausgeprägte Fruchtigkeit ein wenig zurück; dennoch bleibt der Malt relativ süß, mit malzig-erdigem Touch, wunderbar harmonischen Vanille- und Schoko-Aromen. Im Abgang zeigt der Glenfiddich dann doch unvermittelt seine Kraft, bringt etwas Torf ebenso an den Gaumen wie feinen Gewürzgeschmack und eine wohldosierte rauchige Komponente.
Delivery time: 2-3 days, 3 Bottles in stock
Worth knowing
Named after a beach cove near the distillery, this bolide with approx. 50% vol. is one of the gems of the endearing distillery, which has been closed for a long time in between. Not only the beautiful design, but also the quality really stands out!Flavour
The Highlands and the sea meet on the Aberdeenshire coast - and this is reflected in the flavour! The first olfactory impressions are strikingly sweet and playful - honey and vanilla, but also fruity flavours with a subtle acidic undertone. The actual flavour is as captivating as the strength promises - fruit notes remain present here too, especially the sweetness of cherries, but there is also an animating tart, lemony component to be tasted. Salt and other mineral notes are reminiscent of whiskies from the coast and the islands. Great stuff!Delivery time: 1-3 days, 3 Bottles in stock
What you need to know
The Glenmorangie distillery has been around since 1843, where every single malt is handcrafted and meticulously monitored to ensure that each whisky is distilled to perfection. These are also known for their mild tones and subtle flavors. They are produced in giraffe-high stills to make the single malt even finer.
The Glenmorangie The Original 10 Year Old produces a fine and mild aroma. A perfect drop to immerse yourself in the world of whiskies. It is matured in bourbon casks. The result - extraction of extra aromas. On the palate, it is noticeable with citrus, honey, orange and creamy vanilla notes. The finish is still on the mild side, followed by a slight tingle on the tongue.
Delivery time: 1-3 days, 3 Bottles in stock
Der Nikka From The Barrel ist ein japanischer Blended Whiskey aus einem Malt Whiskey aus der Yoichi Brennerei (Insel Hokkaido) und einem Grain Whiskey der Miyagikyo Brennerei (Insel Honshu). Zu den verwendeten Fässern, der Reifedauer, Kältefiltration und Farbstoffen macht Nikka keine Angabe, jedoch ist bekannt, dass der Blended Whiskey nach der Vermählung zwischen drei und sechs Monate in einem nicht näher genannten Fass harmonisiert wird.
Im Glas liegt der Nikka From The Barrel wie rötlicher Bernstein und entfaltet dort zunächst sein süßliches Boquete mit Vanille -, Karamell – und Honignoten, die von malzigen und leicht würzigen Holz – und Kakaonuancen begleitet werden. Schon der erste Schluck offenbart das intensive Aromenspiel das von fruchtigen Holznoten geprägt ist. Dazu gesellen sich Vanille -, Karamell – und Honignoten, die schon bald von Eichenholz und Röstaromen abgelöst werden. Der mittel bis langanhaltende Abgang ist zunächst von herben Röst -, Eichenholz – sowie Karamellaromen geprägt und wird von süßlichen Apfelnoten abgerundet.
Delivery time: 2-3 days, 3 Bottles in stock
Worth knowing
An absolute classic among Scottish single malts, this is the flagship of its windswept home island! Matured for 10 years in American oak casks, this powerful drop is a feast for all lovers of unspoilt intensity.Aroma
The nose already impresses with its distinctive aroma, which is reminiscent of an Islay malt with its peaty and smoky notes, but also allows delicate sweetness and citrus undertones to shine through. This first impression is countered on the palate by an unexpected sweet fruitiness; dried figs and dates, accompanied of course by the spicy, noble, latent mineral facets that are so characteristic of whiskies from the islands. The harmonious interplay of sweetness, malt and earth intensifies sip by sip. A drop for cold days, wonderfully warming from the inside!Delivery time: 2-3 days, 3 Bottles in stock
Worth knowing
Like other distilleries, Talisker first had to survive a series of fire disasters before it was able to become the most popular distillery in the region. Their "signature" product and bestseller is appropriately named after them.
The aroma of this single malt is incredibly multifaceted, with fully ripe fruit tones of citrus and tropical fruits. But also the characteristic Skye aromas, somewhat reminiscent of milder Islays, are immediately present and remain so on the palate: peat and smoke, combined with a salty-mineral sea scent. But the whisky also has a good dose of pleasant honey/caramel sweetness. The spicy nuances take hold more and more, but the ravishing fruitiness is permanently present - until the never-ending finish. Absolutely balanced!
Delivery time: 2-3 days, 2 Bottles in stock
Worth knowing
Battered by several strokes of fate in the form of devastating brandies, the Aberlour distillery nevertheless managed to establish itself as one of the big house numbers in Speyside. The 12-year-old, matured in two different casks, is the classic in their range.
Already in the nose, this fine drop proves to be a prototypical representative of its home region. Fragrant, flowery apple notes and a soft sherry scent immediately indicate its gentle, playful character. Of course, this also remains present in the taste - but the whisky can do much more, as velvety cocoa tones next to charming toffee sweetness prove. To compensate, fine, sweetish spice stimulates the palate - cinnamon, but also the pleasant, ethereal spiciness of ginger. In the finish, the sweet facets dominate again, the spice is still subtly in the background.
Delivery time: 1-3 days, 2 Bottles in stock
What you need to know
In 1919, the Japanese expanded their flavors and production methods according to the European model. Before the Eigashima distillery was equipped with modern technology, it was exclusively handcrafted. As the Japanese prefer blended whisky rather than single malt, the Akashi White Oak also became a blended whisky.
The Akashi White Oak surprises on the nose with pronounced floral, malty and sherry aromas. Its overall package is creamy, with notes of vanilla and oak accompanying the connoisseur with every sip of this fine drop. Even in the finish, you can still taste fruity notes and a long-lasting, slightly sweet taste in the mouth.
Delivery time: 2-3 days, 2 Bottles in stock
Useful Information
If you are on the south coast road of the "Kildalton Shore" from Port Ellen to the Kildalton Cross, you will inevitably find yourself at the gates of the Ardbeg distillery. It is named after the Gaelic expression for "small hill", Taigh - stail Àirde Beaga. The Ardbeg brand Wisheys are known for their intense, aromatic – smoky and peaty notes. The statement to describe the Ardbeg whiskeys as "heavily peated" is not wrong, but still too "very simplistic". The whiskeys of the neighboring distilleries Laphroaig and Lagavulin are peated about the same as those of Caol Ila and yet the smoky notes are very different in all of them. This begs the question of why? This is largely due to the different distillation processes. The tube that connects the gooseneck of the spirit still with its belly guides the condensed liquid back into the still. This reflux not only increases the complexity of the brand, it also makes it lighter because the vapor gets more copper contact. The result of this process is simple, "sweetness". In addition, the fermentation period was extended. Short fermentation times give a brand a sharp smoky note, while a long fermentation process makes it significantly creamier and contains more acid.
The name Uigeadail comes from the lake of the same name, from which the Ardbeg distillery gets its peaty water. After the maturation process in bourbon and sherry barrels, it is not cold filtered and at barrel strength with 54.2% vol. bottled. The Uigeadail can confidently be called Ardbeg in its most massive form. In the nose it surprises with a ripe and smoky note, as well as a concentrated sweetness, which is composed of dark fruits, christmas cake, floral notes, fresh sea air, oily leather up to notes of chocolate and raisins. In terms of taste, it is initially cautious on the palate, but this quickly changes to expansive and elemental, where it unfolds its full strength and full-bodied texture. This convinces with a fascinating balance between sweet sherry, malt, peat, winter spices and deep smoky flvors, which are repeatedly broken through by the alcohol. The astonishingly long finish with deep mocha, raisins, light peat and aromatic smoke notes rounds off the enjoyment.
Delivery time: 1-3 days, 2 Bottles in stock
Der Auchentoshan Three Wood Single malt durfte in Drei Fässern reifen. Dieses Verfahren verleiht dem Lowland Whisky einen milden Charakter, welcher auch für Einsteiger gut geeignet ist. Bourbon und Sherry Fässer sorgen für den einzigartigen Geschmack und Aromen.
In der Nase besticht der Auchentoshan mit reifen und ausgeprägten Aromen. Im Geschmack überzeugt er die Genießer mit Holz-, Sherry- und Kakaoaromen. Durch seine 43% Alkoholgehalt schmeckt man ein leichtes Prickeln in Kombination mit einer leichten Würze im Abgang. Begleitet werden die Aromen von einem süßlichen Beiklang.
Delivery time: 2-3 days, 2 Bottles in stock
What you need to know
With this excellent brandy, the historic family distillery Bulleit ventures into the premium sector - 10 years of maturation in American white oak barrels speak for themselves!
The first olfactory impressions are evidence of great balance. The scent of the oak barrels is immediately noticeable, complemented by stimulating, savoury spicy notes. An opulent sweetness is also immediately noticeable on the nose. The woody flavour also conquers the palate, with the sweetish spiciness increasing from sip to sip. Of course, a beautiful, undisguised rye flavour also comes through, while the sweetness becomes increasingly vanilla-like. Despite the intensity of flavour, the long finish surprises with its wonderful smoothness - the astringency of the dark wood is softened by cinnamon. Very charming, despite the strength!
Delivery time: 2-3 days, 2 Bottles in stock
Worth knowing
The Caol Ila Distiller's Edition is part of the Classic Malts of Scotland series, meaning that after the typical maturation period, the individual whiskies are aged for an additional six months in fine Moscatel sherry casks. Each bottle is marked with the vintage, bottling date, and batch number, serving as proof that it is a limited edition of a double-matured single malt vintage whisky.
On the nose, it initially captivates with a strong medicinal note, accompanied by malt, fruit, and spice aromas that create an interesting contrast to the classic Caol Ila peat scent. On the palate, it is initially dominated by a wonderfully balanced interplay of sweetness and malt. As the noble whisky opens up, it reveals a fine peat scent with rich and complex malt, wood, cinnamon, deep sherry, and spicy cinnamon aromas that unfold on the palate. These aromas persist in the long-lasting, round, and smoky finish, maintaining a multi-layered blend. Overall, the Caol Ila Distiller's Edition is an exceptionally mild bottling, without lacking the typical smoke.
Delivery time: 1-3 days, 2 Bottles in stock
What you need to know
Clynelish sounds strange. But the name means “green pasture” in Gaelic. This single malt whisky offers maritime quality combined with fruity undertones. The Clynelish distillery was founded in 1819 and still produces whisky from unpeated barley to this day. The Clynelish 14-year-old attempts to retain the taste of the 1950s and 1960s.
The Clynelish 14 Year Old offers a complex variety of aromas in every respect. A pleasant and slightly fruity aroma is perceived on the nose. However, this single malt only unfolds on the palate. Starting with oily, licorice and citrus notes, followed by salty overtones. Whether drunk neat in a glass or on ice - the Clynelish tastes great in both versions.
Delivery time: 2-3 days, 2 Bottles in stock
Worth knowing
The Great Northern Distillery, based in Dundalk, should be familiar to some lovers of Irish whiskeys, as it produces both the malt whiskeys and the grain whiskeys of the Fitzwilliam brand and relies exclusively on non-GMO raw materials. The Fitzwilliam Irish Single Malt Peated is distilled three times in the Irish Pot Still - process and then matures in American oak barrels.
After pouring, a sweetness reminiscent of pear brandy initially unfolds, accompanied by a hint of grain and a light peaty note. The multi-layered notes of the bouquet are quickly echoed on the palate, complemented by notes of fresh forest herbs and coffee candy. The equally round and light finish is animating to treat yourself to a second glass.
Delivery time: 1-3 days, 2 Bottles in stock
What you need to know
The Glendronach distillery was founded in 1826 by James Allardice. It is located in the East Highland Hills in Scotland. Due to the fertile landscape, he named the distillery Glendronach, which means “valley of blackberries” in Gaelic. Almost all the whiskies from this distillery are matured entirely in Spanish sherry casks. They mature in two special types of cask. An Oloroso cask provides the fruity, nutty taste and its natural color. The Pedro Ximénez barrels add the finishing touches to the single malt and ensure a full-bodied aroma.
The Glendronach 12 Year Old is immediately noticeable on the nose. You notice fruity, sweet and slightly sour notes. But the highlight only comes after you have tasted it. The first sip leaves a soft and slightly sweet impression. Flavors of chocolate, sherry and dried fruit spread through the mouth. The finish is slightly tingling, accompanied by a mild peppery note. A great recommendation for beginners and experienced connoisseurs alike.
Delivery time: 2-3 days, 2 Bottles in stock
Keine künstliche Farbe, keine Kühlfiltrierung – so ursprünglich und unverfälscht wie die Herstellung dieses verblüffend preiswerten Boliden ist auch sein Geschmack. Die Reifungszeit in Oloroso-Fässern ist geheim, die Top-Qualität aber weithin bekannt.
Die markante Würze schon in der Nase verwundert angesichts der 60 Umdrehungen nicht, wohl aber die Sanftheit des Bouquets. Der Duft von Dörrobst und gelben Früchten federn die Intensität ab. Im Mundraum setzt sich dieser Eindruck in gesteigerter Form fort: Reifes Obst und Rosinen ergänzen sich vorzüglich mit ätherischeren, auch fein mineralischen Zitrusnoten und pikantem Gewürzgeschmack. Über allem schwebt die profunde Holzigkeit der eichenen Sherryfässer, abgefedert von subtiler herbaler Frische. Der weiche Abgang, dominiert von den fruchtigen Geschmackskomponenten, grenzt angesichts der Fassstärke an ein Wunder.
Delivery time: 1-3 days, 2 Bottles in stock
Die Zweiteilung zwischen leicht und schwer ist entlang der gesamten Speyside zu spüren, manifestiert sich am stärksten am Fuße des Ben Rinnes. Am unteren Hang des Berges steht die Destillerie Glenfarclas. Bereits beim ersten Schluck outet sich der schwersüße, grüblerische Rohbrand als Mitglied der schwergewichtigen Fraktion. Bei der Verkostung beschleicht einen das Gefühl der Dauerhaftigkeit, als sei einem die Vergangenheit im Munde erstarrt. Der Whiskey wurde durch verschiedene Markterfordernisse in diverse Richtungen gedrängt, doch die Marke Glenfarclas ist ihren Ursprüngen treu geblieben. Bei einem Blick auf die Brennblasen – die größten an der Speyside – gewinnt man den Eindruck, als favorisiere die Destillerie den leichten Stil. Jeder Glenfarclas wird in Dunnages, niedrigen, schiefergedeckten Lagerhäusern mit Lehmboden, ausgebaut. Der Charakter eines Whiskeys wird von vielen Details geprägt. So kann auch ein leichter Temperaturwechsel Auswirkungen auf den Reifezyklus haben. Der Whiskey aus der Destillerie Glenfarclas oxidiert langsam und verdampft nicht. In den Lagerhäusern auf den Ausläufern des „Ben“ prägt auch der schneidende Wind das Mikroklima. Man kann regelrecht von einem Lagencharakter sprechen, und tatsächlich wird Whiskey hier nach fast burgundischer Winzermanier bereitet. Einen beträchtlichen Einfluss auf den Glenfarclas – Stil hat das Holz, es werden ausschließlich Firstfill – Sherryfässer verwendet. Der Whiskey verträgt diesen Büttentyp nicht nur, er braucht ihn förmlich und absorbiert die Kraft seiner Eiche.
Der Glenfarclas 15 Jahre zeichnet sich durch seine Komplexität und Vollmundigkeit aus. Die 46 % Vol. Alkohol verdankt er der Vorliebe des Großvaters von John Grant. Er schätzte die erhöhte Trinkstärke und damit zählt der Glenfarclas 15 Jahre zu den Lieblingswhiskeys der Grant – Familie. Nach seiner fünfzehnjährigen Reifephase in ehemaligen Sherryfässern duftet der Glenfarclas wunderbar nach Sherry, altem Leder umgarnt von Feigensirup und Orangenmarmelade. Der Gaumen wird von einer angenehmen Süße umschmeichelt, die die ausgewogenen Sherry -, Rosinen -, Eichenholz – und Schokoladenaromen wunderbar untermalt. Der intensive und langanhaltende Abgang ist von nussig – würzigen Aromen geprägt.
Delivery time: 1-3 days, 2 Bottles in stock
What you need to know
If you are looking for a mild Lowland whisky, Glenkinchie is the right choice. It is also known as Edinburgh whisky, as the city is only 25 km away from the distillery. It was founded in 1825 by a farmer named John Rate and is still one of four distilleries in the Lowland region to this day.
The Glenkinchie Single Malt 12 Year Old proves itself through and through in taste. It is classified as rather mild, but still very aromatic. Floral, malty, citrus and woody flavors spread in the mouth, followed by a slight sweetness as an aftertaste. The finish is long-lasting in combination with a slight freshness. A balanced and fine single malt for beginners and experienced connoisseurs alike.
Delivery time: 1-3 days, 2 Bottles in stock
What you need to know
The Glenmorangie distillery has been around since 1843, where every single malt is handcrafted and meticulously monitored to ensure that each whisky is distilled to perfection. These are also known for their mild tones and subtle flavors. They are produced in giraffe-high stills to make the single malt even finer.
Glenmorangie The Nectar D'Or makes itself known on the nose with light and fruity notes. This single malt also shows its mild side on the palate. With wonderful aromas of vanilla and honey, accompanied by a light spiciness, it makes its presence felt in the mouth. Subtle oak notes are noticeable in combination with a slight sweetness in the finish.