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Flor de Copan Classic Demi Tasse

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Content: 1 Piece

Delivery time: 2-3 days, 18 in stock


Worth knowing

Amusingly, "cup" actually means... cup! The narrow mini format is traditionally - the term originates from Cuba - the small long filler for half a cup of coffee, but it is still enough for about 25 - 35 minutes.


All preconceptions that such thin cigars tend to have a bite and spiciness, this small format gives the lie to in the twinkling of an eye. Although woodier and more aromatic than the more opulent Vítolas, it still develops the same charming honey sweetness, and the smoke texture remains strikingly creamy throughout. The nutty-creamy basic character of the blend shines through, as do the grassy-floral fresh notes of the Corona. Modest here is at most the manageable strength. The burning behaviour is also exemplary until the cigar is put down. Great daytime cigar.

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Cigar Brand:Flor de Copan
Cigar series:Flor de Copan Classic
Country of Origin Cover:Ecuador
Country of origin Wrapper:Honduras
Country of origin filler tobacco:Honduras, Nicaragua
Flavour:Honey, Light sweetness, Nut, Roasted flavours
Format:Demi Tasse
Lenght in cm:12.70
Ring gauge:30

Flor de Copan

Die hohe Qualität von Tabaken aus dem mittelamerikanischen Raum, insbesondere Honduras, wussten die Mayas bereits vor Jahrhunderten zu schätzen. Bis heute steht das Land zwischen Atlantik und Pazifik für eines der besten Anbaugebiete für Qualitätstabake weltweit. Die Region um Copán, tief im Westen von Honduras an den Grenzen zu Guatemala und El Salvador gelegen, verdankt seinem gemäßigten Tropenklima optimale Voraussetzungen um den einzigartig milden Geschmack der Flor de Copán Zigarrenlinien hervorzubringen. Sämtliche Zigarren, die Tabaksorten verschiedenster Herkunft in sich vereinen, stammen aus der Provinzhauptstadt Santa Rosa de Copán, wo sie in einer Fabrik die noch der Kolonialzeit entstammt vollständig von Hand gefertigt werden. Die Flor de Copán Longfillerzigarren entsprechen den höchsten Ansprüchen an die Zigarrenherstellung; jede einzelne dieser hochwertig verarbeiteten Zigarren wird von einem haarfeinen Mantel aus Zedernholz umschlossen. Dieser rundet das Aroma der Flor de Copán Zigarren während der Reifelagerung weiter ab. Verziert mit einer kunstvollen weiß-rot-goldenen Bauchbinde präsentiert sich die Flor de Copán, übersetzt 'die Blüte von Copán', in verführerischer Eleganz. Trotz der sehr Verarbeitungsqualität und der Auswahl von ausschließlich hochwertigen Qualitätstabaken sind die vollständig handgefertigten Zigarren zu einem sehr guten Preis-/ Leistungsverhältnis erhältlich.

Accessory Items

-14 %
Boveda Humipak 60 Gram 69%
Boveda Humipak 60 Gram 69%
Boveda Humipak 60 Gram 69%
€4.25* €4.95*

Delivery time: 2-3 days, 11 Pieces in stock

€48.00* €59.40*
Variants from €4.25*
Content: 12 Piece (€4.00* / 1 Piece)

Delivery time: 2-3 days, 3 in stock

The name Boveda comes from the Spanish and means vaulted cellar. It is a practical product for humidity control that has been specially developed for use in cigar cases, countertop and travel humidors. Each Humipak contains a concentrated salt and water solution protected by a bi-directional permeable membrane. Compared to other humidification systems, Boveda Humipaks have the advantage that the user no longer has to remember to refill the water reservoir of his humidor, as he simply replaces the corresponding number of Boveda Paks in the humidor every 2 - 3 months. The Humipaks are designed to release treated moisture into the humidor, thus minimizing the risk of bacteria, mould or fungi forming in the humidor. They also have the advantage of minimizing fluctuations in the humidity balance of the humidor, allowing the cigars to mature perfectly. The constant humidity level preserves the natural oils and sugar components of the cigars, allowing them to continue to develop with age.

Angelo Cigar Bench Chrome perfect for your cigars on the go

You didn't know you needed a cigar bench until you got one. Whether at home, on the road or with friends, the Angelo cigar bench comes into play. With its elegant appearance in chrome, it visually matches any accessory. If you don't have an ashtray at hand, you can fold up your cigar bench and put your cigar down safely.