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Ein hochwertiges Set von Vauen

Vauen Intro Beginner Set Intro 1


Content: 1 Piece

Delivery time: 2-3 days, 6 Pieces in stock


Worth knowing

The Intro Beginner Sets are perfectly equipped for inexperienced pipe smokers. The pipe and accessories are packaged in an attractive gift box.

Product information

The all-round carefree package offers a high-quality briar wood pipe from the Basic series, which is handmade in Germany. It also includes 10 cleaners, 10 Dr. Perl Junior activated charcoal filters and a pipe set. The Intro 1 set contains a curved Basic pipe in red-brown. An introduction is also included. It is recommended to use a mild and lightly flavored tobacco.

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Die Firma mit Sitz in Nürnberg steht, mit ihren Vauen Pfeifen, Tabaken, Filtern und Accessoires, für die Leidenschaft zum genussvollen sich Zeit nehmen in einer zunehmend von Hektik geprägten Welt ein. Seit 1909 stellt Vauen Pfeifen für alle Liebhaber und Liebhaberinnen des Rauchgenusses unter dem Namen Vauen her. Doch die Geschichte der Firma beginnt schon weit früher. Karl Ellenberger und Carl August Ziener, beides gelernte Drechsler, gründeten bereits 1848 die erste deutsche Pfeifenmanufaktur in Nürnberg. Entgegen dem damalig weit verbreiteten Trend der Tonkopf-Pfeifen, basierte ihre Geschäftsidee auf der Herstellung von vergleichsweise robusten Holzkopfpfeifen. Für diese wurden fortan nur erlesene Bruyère-Hölzer aus dem Mittelmeerraum verwendet. Aufgrund der steigenden Nachfrage in Deutschland und Übersee wurde schon 1866 eine weitere Fabrik in Nürnberg durch Gebhard Ott ins Leben gerufen. Diese beiden Nürnberger Manufakturbetriebe vereinigten sich 1901 zu den Vereinigten Pfeifenfabriken Nürnbergs (VPFN). Unter der Führung von Ernst Eckert, einem Nachkommen der Familie Ott wurde schließlich das bis dato wenig einprägsame Namenskürzel 'VPNF' durch den Namen 'VAUEN' ersetzt. Dieser, aus dem Anfangsbuchstaben 'V' für 'Vereinigte Pfeifenfabriken' und einem 'N' für die Stadt des Firmenstammsitzes Nürnberg, steht seither international für traditionelle Handwerkskunst der Pfeifenherstellung 'Made in Germany' Pate. Mit Antritt der Geschäftsführung durch Alexander Eckert, 1982, übernahm bereits die fünfte Generation die Leitung der ältesten Pfeifenfabrik Deutschlands.

Accessory Items

Colibri Pacific II Pipe Lighter Black/Chorm, the elegant lighter for style-conscious pipe smokers
Colibri Pipe Lighter Pacific II Black/Chrome

Delivery time: 2-3 days, 2 Pieces in stock

Worth knowing

Many pipe smokers are very familiar with the Colibri Pacific pipe lighters and are now delighted with the second technically revised generation, in which the supply of oxygen to the combustion chamber has been increased and a more powerful ignition has been installed. The pipe lighters in the Colibri Pacific II series are also characterised by the use of high-quality materials and workmanship, which guarantees a long service life. To make these lighters the non-plus ultra for all pipe smokers, a pipe stopper is integrated into the base of the lighter.

Product information

The combination of high-quality materials with the simple colour designs make the Colibri Pacific II pipe lighter black/chrome an elegant must-have for style-conscious pipe smokers. The built-in trigger at the top of the lighter body guarantees reliable ignition of the slanting flame and the flame size can be adjusted accordingly using the setting wheel. The filling level of the lighter can be easily checked using the filling level indicator.

Angelo ceramic ashtray with 4 shelves
Angelo ceramic ashtray with 4 shelves

Delivery time: 2-3 days, 1 Piece in stock

What you need to know

The portfolio of the major accessories importer AKRA from the Franconian town of Langenzenn, which can look back on over 100 years of company history, also includes its own Angelo brand. The name comes from the Italian and translates into German as angel. The accessories are developed by AKRA itself or imported.

Product information

The black rectangular ceramic ashtray impresses with its timeless and discreet look and has 4 cigar rests. The ashes can easily fall into the container thanks to the sturdy cigar rests. The high-quality materials used ensure consistent quality, which is maintained even when cleaned in the dishwasher.

Vauen Dr. Perl activated charcoal filter 40 pack
Vauen Dr. Perl Aktivkohlefilter
Content: 40 Piece (€0.12* / 1 Piece)

Delivery time: 1-3 days, 11 Boxes in stock

Worth knowing

The giant among pipe filters – Vauen Dr. Perl Junior activated charcoal filters. In the meantime, these are the most used filters in Germany. The special feature of the Vauen filters is that a ceramic flap has only been integrated at one end. The other side has a blue plastic cap (tasteless) that is inserted into the mouthpiece. Very easy to use.