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Light giant with charm

Hoyo De Monterrey Double Coronas

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Worth knowing

After all, they still exist from four brands, the also „Prominentes“ called giants among the Cuban Coronas. HdM's is certainly the lightest and mildest of them, making it perfect as the first DC in an aficionado's life– but „old hands“ also love the blend of this classic.


Not only the biggest, but certainly one of the most opulent and complex Hoyo. Here you are literally bathing in flavour, because this Habano is characterised by intense, flattering sweetness, which makes you think of croissants, sipped cappuccino, even Christmas cookies. The sloppy smoke consistency goes with it just as well as the hard-to-compare hearty, spicy tastes, which are also present and somewhat reminiscent of the cult brand Sancho Panza; tanned nuts and expensive leather. Towards the end, there is also a hint of cocoa on the palate, the intensity increases a little, but the strength always remains moderate.

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Cigar Brand:Hoyo de Monterrey
Country of Origin Cover:Cuba
Country of origin Wrapper:Cuba
Country of origin filler tobacco:Cuba
Flavour:Cacao, Creamy, Milk coffee, Roasted flavours
Format:Double Corona
Lenght in cm:19.40
Ring gauge:49

Hoyo De Monterrey

José Gener, ein spanischer Einwanderer aus Tarragona, hatte 1860 den richtigen Riecher! Er war einer derjenigen, die die einzigartige Qualität der Tabakblätter um den kleinen Ort San Luis y Martínez in der privilegierten Vegetation des heute herkunftgeschützten Anbaugebiets Vuelta Abajo erkannten. Die Einlage- und Umlageblätter hatten es ihm angetan für seine Marke Hoyo de Monterrey, benannt nach der Senke, auf der sich die Plantagen bis an die Ufer des Flusses San Juan y Martínez erstrecken – der Senke von Monterrey. Der Pionier Gener nannte nicht nur die ganze Plantage Hoyo de Monterrey, sondern ab 1865 auch seine beste Habanomarke, die bis heute existiert. Die Plantage mit den Verwaltungsgebäuden und der Manufaktur ist mitten im Tabakort San Luis y Martínez angesiedelt – sie ist eine der wenigen Vegas de Primera, wo nur die besten Blätter wachsen, die zum Teil auch für die Cohibas verwendet werden. Die Einfahrt auf die Plantage schmückt ein imposantes Tor mit der Inschrift „Hoyo de Monterrey. José Gener. 1860“. Vor allem bei Liebhabern von Habanos, die einen leichten Geschmack bevorzugen und gleichzeitig hohe Ansprüche an Aroma und Komplexität stellen, hat sie sich weltweit einen Namen gemacht. Mit ihrer feinen Mischung ist sie gleichermaßen beliebt bei anspruchsvollen Beginnern.

Accessory Items

Donatus cigar scissors Gunmetal

Product description

Forged from a single piece of high-quality surgical stainless steel. The razor-sharp blades of the scissors and their curved cutting surface are particularly suitable for large-format cigars. The Donatus scissors have a steel hardness of 56 Rockwell. The ceramic coating gives these scissors a hardness that exceeds the Rockwell scale (maximum 68 Rockwell). The extreme hardness of the scissors therefore guarantees a long service life with constant blade sharpness. The ergonomic multi-finger system gives these scissors particularly comfortable handling, as well as safe cutting and a consistently precise cutting pattern.

Habanos Ashtray
Habanos Ashtray

Delivery time: 2-3 days, 4 Pieces in stock

Worth knowing

Every year, Habans launches high-quality and limited-edition cigar accessories that make aficionados' hearts beat faster. The range also includes ashtrays in various price categories.

Product information

This classic ceramic ashtray from Habanos has a diameter of 18 cm and a height of 3.8 cm. It also has 4 storage options for cigars.
Hoyo De Monterrey Elliptical Ashtray

Worth knowing

Another stylish Cuban cigar accessory from Habanos. This time it is a high-quality Hoyo de Monterrey brand cigar ashtray in a classic white and red colour design.

Product information

The elliptical and stylish cigar ashtray from Hoyo de Monterrey is made of high-quality porcelain and offers 4 gold-plated shelves for your cigars. The two cigar trays on the long sides are 2.5 cm long, those on the short sides are 4 cm long and all trays are 4 cm wide, so that even cigars with large rings can be stored without any problems. The ashtray designed by Nelson Alfonso has a length of 28 cm, a width of 17 cm and a height of 3.5 cm at its widest points.